Thursday, 31 July 2014


Hey guys,
I recently got tagged by two bloggers Ugo and Gbemi

I will start with the questions from Ugo

1.  Are you named after someone?
2.   When was the last time you cried?
G's don't cry! Lol, seriously though, I can't remember maybe while watching "12 years a slave"
3. Do you have kiddos?
Not yet :)
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
Yes. I'm my best friend.
5. Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Food and Reality Tv.
6. Do you like handwriting?
7. What's your favourite cereal?
Probably, Frosties

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?
9. What's the colour of your eyes?
Dark brown...I think
10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings
11. Favourite TV show?
Sex and the city and any Kardashian show
12. Summer or Winter?
Spring lol
13. Hugs or kisses?
14. Do you have any special talent?
Err if I tell you I'd have to make you disappear.
15. Where were you born? 
 Lagos, Nigeria.
16. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading and cooking
17. Do you have any pets?
18. Favourite movie?
Chitty chitty bang bang, Sex and the city 1
19. What colour is your car?
I don't drive.
20.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Super heroine.
Gbemi tagged me for a Liebster Award and these are her questions:

Who's your blog role model?
Probably Ashley Madekwe and Aimee Song

What inspired your blog?
Blogs like, Clumps of Mascara and Scandalous beauty and the desire to share swatches etc with people

Do you ever get blog lazy?
yes, if you follow my blog you'll see that I've gone for 6 months without blogging!

What do you think can help a lazy blogger?
nothing. It has to come from within

If you were given the opportunity to pick a power, what power would it be?
the power to have any power I want at any time :)

What's your guilty pleasure?
Food and Reality Tv

Music or Movies?
depends on my mood. but I love Music

If you could be somebody else, who would you be?
Kim Kardashian...then I'd be Married to my boo for real :D :D 

If you were asked to pick just one item from your house and run, what would it be?
hmmm I have no idea

What's your pet peeve?
Repeating myself. I have loads but this is top of the list. 

Drift away for a second. What random thought came to your mind now?
what do I make for dinner..

I tag anyone that would like to join in the fun!



  1. and she answered:)))))
    Nice knowing more about you...."Girl's don't cry>>>lol

  2. Lol at your power. I'll never have thought of that. It was fun to read :)


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